How Trump Won

I’ve been thinking of writing this post for a while but given the ludicrous outcome in today’s sentencing for the hush money case it’s time to get typing!

How Trump Won the Election

Much has already been written speculating on how Trump won the 2024 presidential election.

  • Which demographic changed their votes from Biden in 2020 to Trump in 2024?
  • Did young men not want a female leader?
  • Were Muslims in swing states hoodwinked into thinking the Trump team had a solution to peace in the middle east? (they don’t)

Elections are complex and I think there can be more than one factor that affects the outcome. Some that deserve more scrutiny:

  1. Biden’s choice to run. He was too old, as is Trump but age seemed to mostly be a factor for Joe. Kamala’s campaign did remarkably well given the late start but it might have been a different story if Democrats had an open field of candidates in 2023 and proper primary in 2024 instead of the late restart.
  2. Donald Trump became St. Trump to his followers after the failed assassination attempt in July.
  3. The right wing takeover of social media. It’s an effective propaganda machine but it’s contrary to the interests of society. I would much prefer an informed populace than people drinking the Elon Musk koolaid (and other extremist influencers).
  4. On the subject of Elon Musk, there was also his illegal vote buying scheme which was also an illegal lottery.

One factor stands out to more than the others and has received little scrutiny by the media.

The Justice System Fucked Up!

At all levels: prosecutors, investigators, special counsels, judges, the Supreme Court. Trump should already have been behind bars before the 2024 campaign started and not allowed to run.

Let’s revist each of the cases:

Hush money

He was found guilty by a jury of his peers on all 34 counts. It wasn’t a partisan witch hunt as he likes to repeat, his lawyer was involved in the jury selection process. If the jury was biased he should have fired his lawyer for not doing their job.

In addition to committing the same crime over and over, Donald Trump showed no remorse. He repeatedly attacked our judicial system, the jury, the courts, the prosecution and the judge and judges daughter. He profited off the case by using it ask for donations for his ~campaign~ legal fund.

Trump got an “unconditional discharge” - no penalty. I’m shocked the prosection argued in favor of this. It’s a miscarriage of justice. Personally I think one of the following would have been a just outcome:

  1. The maximum 4 years in jail, with the sentence starting on January 21, 2029 so as to not interfere with his presidency
  2. He could have been put behind bars back in May of 2024.
  3. Community service; to be served while president. I’d like to see him going around Central Park picking up garbage while the secret service follow him around and New Yorkers point and laugh.

Stolen Documents

In this case Trump stole boxes full of classified documents and kept them unsecured at Mar-a-Lago. When asked to return the documents he instructed his lawyers to lie to the FBI. He’s on security camera video ordering a minion to move the documents from one hiding spot to another then delete the video (which had already been ordered to be kept as evidence). When the FBI did raid Mar-a-Lago in August 2022 the found the documents. At Trump’s golf club/residence.

Smith’s team said it was leaving intact charges against two co-defendants in the classified documents case — Trump valet Walt Nauta and Mar-a-Lago property manager Carlos De Oliveira — because “no principle of temporary immunity applies to them.”

Based on all the evidence there’s little question he’s guilty. Trump got away from this because a judge he appointed took his side at every step of the proceedings. The judge is likely to be disbarred for her actions but it’s too late for justice to be done in this case.

“[Judge Eileen Cannon’s] conduct throughout the litigation involving the criminal charges against Trump — for secreting highly sensitive and classified documents in bathrooms and ballrooms at Mar-a-Lago — is replete with examples of her astonishing bias: allowing unconscionable delays sought by Trump’s lawyers; chastising the prosecutors for baseless reasons; and finally dismissing the charges against Trump,” Gershman said. “Cannon has demonstrated beyond any doubt that she should have been removed from the case long ago for manifest bias.”

Gershman added that “virtually every fact contained in the report is likely already in the public domain” and said that the “idea that releasing the report will prejudice codefendants is hokum.” Gershamn also said that “it is clear to anybody watching Cannon’s shenanigans that Trump is trying to run out the clock with the assistance of a very friendly umpire.” – Law Professor Bennet Gersham

Georgia Election Interference

You can hear an excerpt of the call in the video on this page, or the full call is further down the page.

I’m no legal expert but this seems like a pretty straighforward case. The evidence is right there in the recording! Unfortunately District Attorney Fani Willis thought with her clit instead of her head and the case was thrown out over the sideshow of who was having sex with whom.

January 6, 2021 Insurrection

The investigation started far too late: November 2022. Charges were first laid in August 2023. I actually don’t blame Special Counsel Jack Smith though, he had a solid case and was ready to appear in court. The screw up was waiting until November 2022 to appoint him. If he’d started in February 2021 after the Senate refused to find Trump guilty at the Impeachment things might have turned out differently

With the late start, the Supreme Court’s ridiculous decision to grant presidents king-like immunity stalled any progress on the case.

Other people were behind bars for the attempted coup but not the instigator. Unfortunately for America he pardened the other January 6th criminals.