
While looking for a quote for the home page I wanted to use this classic:

When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.

It’s pithy and conveys my message exactly. It’s a truth we need to hear in the 2024 election campaign where there is a whole movement of Christofascists (or Christian Nationalists). You might know the movement as MAGA or “Make America Great Again”.

The trouble with using the quote above is it doesn’t seem like anyone actually said it verbatim. If anyone said or wrote those exact words Snopes concludes that we don’t know who. I’ve looked up some similar quotes to use on the front page. I believe in absolute truth, not make up whatever you want to believe so I needed to use real quotes on my homepage not a made up one.

I am a committed Christian who wants America to be a successful country. But Christian Nationalism isn’t the way to achieve this. Check the video below for an explainer on why it would be a disaster. Spoiler: it’s the fascism part that’s a huge problem.


Religious freedom is part of the foundational values of America. It’s important even for Christians. Freedom of religion was originally a Protestant Christian idea so they could practice their beliefs without interference from the Catholic Church or Church of England. I don’t want to be branded a heretic and persecuted for my religious practice if it’s different to the MAGA state sanctioned Christianity.